
Also, the Defense Tree has skills for Reducing Troop Upkeep and increasing Resource Protection Capacity.
If you research these skills, you can not only increase the number of resources gathered but also protect more resources.

Understanding Food & Troop Upkeep

Since very few resources are protected, you should only open Food Boxes when an immediate purchase is planned. If you open them early, food will quickly deplete to the Food Protected from Troop Upkeep limit.

Understanding Warehouse Protection

Although it is good to know that all of your resources cannot be taken, it further explains why you shouldn’t open resource boxes until you have a purchase planned for them. Also, when you gather resources, they are immediately added to the top bar and can be taken when attacked.
NOTE: If the Alliance City is destroyed, any resources you have stored in the Alliance Warehouse will be returned to your top bar. Be conscience, if this happens that your resources will not be protected beyond your Protection Limits.

Resource Production and Gathering Buffs

24 Hour and 8 Hour Speedups
Before sending any troops to gather, you should be sure that one of these is activated.
If you are out, you can purchase a 24 Hour Gathering Speedups in the Item Store for 1000 gems or from Alliance Shop for 20,000 points for 8 hours and 45,000 points for 24 hours. Although you can get them many ways, if you ever find yourself running low, this is always an option.
NOTE: For collection buffs, it is important that you activate at the start of collecting. This is when collection times are calculated and they will not change even if your Speedup wears off. For this reason, you can choose to use only 8 Hour Speedups immediately before sending a march.
Resource Production (Inside your Keep)
There are 5 different kinds: Army Camps (Increase Training Speed and Training Capacity), Farms (Produce Food), Sawmills (Produce Lumber), Mines (Produce Ore), and Quarries (Produce Stone).
Over time, it will become clear that your food is generally in excess (mainly only used for building Ground units) and your Ore and Stone are VERY limited (Heavily used for Building Upgrades, and building Mounted and Siege units). Due to this, You should lean more towards those building those types of Resource Spots.
A recommended build once you have unlocked all 30 resources spots would be:
- 7-8 Sawmills, Mines, and Quarries
- 4-5 Farms
- 1-2 Army Camps
Until all 30 resource spots have unlocked, build whichever ones are most useful to you. But you don’t overbuild anything (since eventually your ratio should settle similarly to above).
To complete daily challenges and to continually work on increasing your City’s Resource Production, you should have at least one builder working on upgrading a Resource Spot.
You can purchase Production Speedups in the Black Market for resources. The cost of purchasing the Speedup is significantly less than the number of resources you will get in return, so you should always purchase when available.

Extra Tip

Doing this will allow you to have long upgrades that continue to count down while you continue to upgrade your Resource Spots in the first slot. This will save many gems in the long run.